West Forsyth High School Bands appreciate all Parent & Community Sponsors!

If you would like to sponsor the West Forsyth Bands, contact Mr. Tom Shoemaker at wshoemaker@wsfcs.k12.nc.us to donate! 100% of the proceeds go to support the band programs at West Forsyth through the West Forsyth Band Fans (501c3).

Parent & Community Sponsorship Details

  • The West Forsyth Band Fans (501c3 non-profit) are excited to announce that we offer a community sponsorship program to allow the community to show their support for the West Forsyth Band Program!

    100% of the money raised will go directly to the students and programming of the West Forsyth Bands.

  • Your sponsorship dollars help by providing experiences and essential materials such as instruments, music, scholarships to summer music camps, and private lessons instructors for the students.

    With support from our corporate sponsors, band parents, friends, and fans, we are able to give the students unique opportunities to help them succeed and grow as musicians. This support also helps them develop life skills such as hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

  • West Forsyth offers the students 8 different performance based opportunities. We offer three levels of Concert Bands, and two unique jazz opportunities, Beginning Band, Marching Band, and Winterguard.

    In the 2022-2023 School year, West Students in these bands achieved:

    • 34 Students in the WS/FCS All County band

    • 23 Students in the Western Region All District Band

    • 7 Students in the Western Region Jazz Band

    • 1 student in the Western Region Orchestra

    • 2 Students in the N.C. All State Jazz Band

    • 4 Students in the N.C. All State Concert Band

    • Multiple Superior Ratings at State Solo and Ensemble Music Performance Adjudication

    • Superior ratings by the Wind Ensemble and Concert Band at State Music Performance Adjudication

    • Excellent rating by the Symphonic Band at State Music Performance Adjudication

    • Caption and Grand Champion awards by the West Forsyth Marching Band

    • Atlantic Indoor Association Regional Silver Medalist Winterguard

  • As a corporate sponsor your donation is supporting a 501c3 non-profit and helping to provide opportunities and programming to help the educational experiences of the music students in our community.

    100% of your donation will fund the students experiences and activities for any or all of the eight bands at West Forsyth High School.

    The 8 bands include:

    • The Wind Ensemble

    • The Symphonic Band

    • The Concert Band

    • The Jazz Band, The Jazz Combo

    • The Beginning Band

    • The Marching Band

    • The Winterguard.

    Learn more about the bands here.

  • We are so thankful you are willing to help support the West Forsyth Bands! Click the button below for more information about becoming a Parent or Community Sponsor.

Sponsorship Levels

We have several ways we recognize and thank our sponsors publicly or you can choose to remain anonymous.