West Forsyth Band Fans
The West Forsyth Band Fans is a 501c3 non-profit that provides support to all band programs at West through fundraising efforts and direct donations. These dollars are used to cover many expenses and are the primary source of funds for our Titan Bands. Some examples of how your donated funds help our bands include:
Instruments & equipment
Props for shows
Transportation to and from Band Events.
Current volunteer opportunities for the 2024/2025 Marching Band Season are available here:
Parents & Friends of the Arts,
If you or someone you know has benefited from being involved with a school music program then you already know the benefits go far beyond just learning to play an instrument. The West Band Program is an award winning organization that is large in size and scope. With that comes many volunteer opportunities to keep these programs engaging, meaningful and fun for the students. It truly takes a village, and we are thankful for our community of business and family sponsors as well as all of our volunteers that make these programs successful.
Please take a moment to review the current volunteer opportunities linked here for Marching Band and check back periodically to see where else your time and talents are needed. In order for you to assist with games, concerts, trips, or fundraising activities where you have contact with children that are not your own, you must have clearance from the school system. Please take a moment to complete the district's online volunteer form now so that you will be ready to volunteer this year. As a reminder, this form must be completed every year in order to volunteer.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Linda Shayter
Baritone Sophomore Mom
West Forsyth BandFan President
Current Volunteer Opportunities
We need chaperones for every activity, especially at football games, band competitions, and parades. They help make sure that students get to where they need to be safely, with their instruments, music, and uniforms while representing our school with distinction. This often involves riding the bus, making sure we do not leave anyone behind, passing out and collecting hat plumes, keeping track of health forms and first aid kids, assembling and passing out snack bags, and keeping band members hydrated.
It’s a great way for parents to get a front-row seat to band events!
Time Commitment: Football Games & Parades: 4-6 hrs. Competitions &
Jamboree: Time Commitment 8-10+ hrs
The stationary percussion instruments in front of the marching band are referred to as the Pit. The Pit Crew makes sure all these instruments as well as the audio equipment get transported to competitions. They also handle all the props and flags. Often the Pit Crew participates in the construction of the props as well. If you have and/or can drive a large truck or trailer, are handy with tools, or just like lifting things, this may be the job for you.
Time Commitment: Entire Marching Season (all Marching Contests & Home Games). 4-10+ hrs. each event.
In order to keep students hydrated and fueled during all activities, we ask parents for food and water donations. With over 60 members we will need a lot of food/water/juice donations. These snacks are used to help the kids stay energized during the long days at competitions.
We need each family to sign up for at least 1 Food/Drink Donation. These items can be delivered to the upper band room by you or your student.
Sometimes our uniforms and flags need maintenance that involves hand or machine sewing skills. If you have these skills, this could be an area where you can contribute.
Since 2012, the West Forsyth Band Fans have been operating a Dewey's Holiday Store (2024 location TBD). The store is stocked with goodies from Dewey's Bakery and a selection of gift items. Volunteer training is provided.
We always need help with Snack Prep, Fundraising, and Event Organizing (Band Banquets).
If you have a special skill or simply TIME, let us know!